I have a friend who doesn't hesitate one bit in telling me when he thinks I'm wrong. A part of me admires that about him, another part just wants to explain things. He, as myself, is an atheist. But he believes that I live by a radical atheism, that I take things too far, that my "hate" towards religion is limitless.
Maybe he's right. Maybe he isn't. The thing is: my atheism and his are completely different and that is what I think he fails to understand.
I don't know the reasons that led him to be a non-believer. Maybe his family are sceptics as well, maybe he didn't have to put up a fight.
I did.
Being raised in a catholic family and having your own doubts towards religion is not easy. The time comes when you have to decide what you choose to believe. That time came for me at the age of thirteen.
Since then I have had countless fights and debates with my father regarding the existence of God. He believes. I don't.
You see my friend, my atheism comes from fighting. It comes from rebellion. It comes from a feeling of oppression that keeps you on your feet for years and years of unanswered questions.
That is why, I believe, my atheism is as strong and defiant as it is.
Because it is a response against something.
It is a cry for freedom.
It is a part of me. I can't change it.
And most importantly: I don't want to.
lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014
martes, 29 de julio de 2014
Hi guys! I need your help!
Hi guys!
I'm writing this blog post to introduce you to one of my favourite music bands.
Same Old Fears is an emerging spanish band formed by three friends who last year decided to give their music a go. Their style varies between rock, indie and punk and they're really really good. (here are some pics so you can see them in action):
I'm writing this blog post to introduce you to one of my favourite music bands.
Same Old Fears is an emerging spanish band formed by three friends who last year decided to give their music a go. Their style varies between rock, indie and punk and they're really really good. (here are some pics so you can see them in action):
All pictures are by Javier Cortina (he also has a photography blog: http://javiercortinafotos.blogspot.com.es/
So! They need your help in a contest that's organized by Rolling Stone Magazine and by the brand Diesel. I'm going to leave the link below where you can go and vote (please do so). The button is a the end of the page, you have to scroll down :)
If you have twitter, facebook or google + you can vote, if not, you can always share through other social media platforms, it'll be helpful as well!
Here are Same Old Fears links to social media and their videos and music so you can check them out if you want to :) (they just released a new song)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SameOldFears_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sameoldfearsrock?fref=ts
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/SameOldFearsRock
Instagram: http://instagram.com/sameoldfears_
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/same-old-fears
lunes, 14 de julio de 2014
Best Pictures II
Hey guys!
Today I'm bringing you 'Best pictures' PART TWO! You seemed to love the last set of pictures I showed you so I hope you enjoy this as much as the last one.
Today I'm bringing you 'Best pictures' PART TWO! You seemed to love the last set of pictures I showed you so I hope you enjoy this as much as the last one.
Marne, Germany. 'Life'
The Pyrenees, Spain.
'Feline look'
Madrid, Spain. 'Home'
'Colourful' Marrakech, Morocco.
'Breaking the ice' The Pyrenees, Spain.
'Northern sun' Germany.
'Flying' (Somewhere in Europe)
'Intelligence' The Pyrenees, Spain.
'Symmetry' Granada, Spain.
Well, that is it for today's post! I hope you liked it, don't forget to leave a comment telling me what you think about it, follow me on twitter, instagram and bloglovin if you feel like it!
sábado, 5 de julio de 2014
Summer books!
Hey guys!
As you know one of my favourite things to do in the whole wide world is reading. Books have been my best friends ever since I learned how to read. As I've read so many books and so different, I thought I would make a post about some of the books that I've really enjoyed.
I have decided to write about books that are really different so there's a bigger chance that you find one you like!
1. Mad about the boy, Helen Fielding.
This book is the last one of the Bridget Jones series and, personally, the best one. You discover what happens to Bridget once she's a grown woman and the changes that have happened in her life in the past few years. I both cried and laugh with this book as it is a comedy but also has a little pinch of drama.
“You see, things being good has nothing to do with how you feel outside, it is all to do with how you are inside.”
2. The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair, Joël Dicker
I loved this. I'm not black novel's number 1 fan... but this is a masterpiece that I really enjoyed. AND the main character is a writer, which just makes everything even better. I really recommend it, it was one of the most acclaimed books by the critic last year and it has you holding your breath at every page.
Yes, yes, I know. You all seen the movie. Well, the book is even better. You get to really know Charlie's world and the story and the way of telling the story is just wonderful. Please, do check it out because it's worth a read. I leave you with the most beautiful quote: "We accept the love we think we deserve."
This is a gothic suspense novel very well written and a bit dark and morbid but still, really good. You can never guess the final mystery. The chapters switch from the present to the past, mixing two stories and both main character's ins and outs. I don't recommend reading it before going to bed, though ;) The storyline also talks and praises books, which is something I love. I leave you here a bit of the plot: "Vida Winter, a famous novelist in England, has evaded journalists' questions about her past, from simply refusing to answer their inquiries to spinning elaborate tales that they later discover to be false. Her entire life is a secret, and for over fifty years reporters and biographers have tried innumerable methods in an attempt to extract the truth from Winter. With her health quickly fading, Winter enlists Margaret Lea, a bookish amateur biographer, to hear her story and write her biography. With her own family secrets, Lea finds the process of unraveling the past for Winter bringing her to confront her own ghosts."
Hello! Any teenage girls out there? This is for you ;) If you're not familiar with Rosalind Wiseman's work...where have you been? Start googling her, because she can be a great help if you're struggling with "teenage issues" (boys, body changes, bullies, queen bees, etc) This is her first fiction book and I fairly enjoyed reading it. The story is fresh and Wiseman introduces us to the girl world and talks (through the characters) about the challenges that teenage girls and boys face in high school.
(I had this book shipped to me from England, so it had to be good)
I love love love love this book. It's all about its characters and their lifes and thoughts and I just fell in love with it.
"The novel narrates the childhood and young adult life of a boy, Mattia, and a girl, Alice, both of whom had exposure to traumatic situations when they were both 8 years old.(...)Both lonely, they befriend each other, forming a special relationship — very close but never romantic. The relationship is compared to Prime Pairs: always together, but never touching."
As you know one of my favourite things to do in the whole wide world is reading. Books have been my best friends ever since I learned how to read. As I've read so many books and so different, I thought I would make a post about some of the books that I've really enjoyed.
I have decided to write about books that are really different so there's a bigger chance that you find one you like!
1. Mad about the boy, Helen Fielding.
This book is the last one of the Bridget Jones series and, personally, the best one. You discover what happens to Bridget once she's a grown woman and the changes that have happened in her life in the past few years. I both cried and laugh with this book as it is a comedy but also has a little pinch of drama.
“You see, things being good has nothing to do with how you feel outside, it is all to do with how you are inside.”
2. The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair, Joël Dicker
3. The Perks of being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky

4. The Thirteenth Tale, Diane Setterfield
5. Boys, Girls and Other Hazardous Materials, Rosalind Wiseman
(I had this book shipped to me from England, so it had to be good)
And last but not least...
6. The solitude of Prime Numbers, Paolo Giordano
"The novel narrates the childhood and young adult life of a boy, Mattia, and a girl, Alice, both of whom had exposure to traumatic situations when they were both 8 years old.(...)Both lonely, they befriend each other, forming a special relationship — very close but never romantic. The relationship is compared to Prime Pairs: always together, but never touching."
It's just beautiful.
And that is it for today's post! I'll definitely be coming back with more books that you guys can enjoy! Now that summer has arrived (at least in my side of the planet) it's much easier to find time to enjoy some quality time with books :)
jueves, 3 de julio de 2014
You're so skinny!
Hey guys!
This is a topic that I've been wanted to write about for some time and as soon as I finish it I'm going to post it on my facebook, twitter and every other social media. Why? Because I think we have to raise awareness about it.
Before I start I just want to say that I have always been a very small, thin and boney person. My parents are this way, my genes are this way and I have a extremely high metabolism. I do not have an eating disorder, I have never had an eating disorder and right now I'm perfectly healthy.
"You're so skinny" "You need to eat more" "You have to gain weight"
I hear this kind of stuff all the time and I just can't stand it anymore. When I was a kid I was fine with it and I assumed it was fine for people to say this things to me. But now that I'm older and I've given it a thought... it's not! You would never think of saying to an overweight person: "You're so fat, you need to get on a diet", would you? You wouldn't because it's disrespectful, rude and can hurt that person's feelings...then, why is it OK to do it the other way around?
A classmate once even told me: "You look like a skeleton".
Is that supposed to be a compliment?
When someone tells me I'm skinny, I don't take it as a compliment. How can I? It's OFFENSIVE. That's the same thing as calling someone fat. Why would anyone think they have the right to comment on other people's body size and walk away without being told off? You can't just ask people why their body is the way it is.
Besides, how the hell am I even supposed to respond to "why are you so skinny?" Erm, sorry, it's called METABOLISM, I cannot control it and you have no right to comment on it.
"Why is it okay for you to love your curves but it's not okay for the to love my bones?"
Moral of the story, if you mean to compliment someone and they're a bit under/overweight, just say something like "you look really nice today!" instead of going on and on about their body size.
This is a topic that I've been wanted to write about for some time and as soon as I finish it I'm going to post it on my facebook, twitter and every other social media. Why? Because I think we have to raise awareness about it.
Before I start I just want to say that I have always been a very small, thin and boney person. My parents are this way, my genes are this way and I have a extremely high metabolism. I do not have an eating disorder, I have never had an eating disorder and right now I'm perfectly healthy.
"You're so skinny" "You need to eat more" "You have to gain weight"
I hear this kind of stuff all the time and I just can't stand it anymore. When I was a kid I was fine with it and I assumed it was fine for people to say this things to me. But now that I'm older and I've given it a thought... it's not! You would never think of saying to an overweight person: "You're so fat, you need to get on a diet", would you? You wouldn't because it's disrespectful, rude and can hurt that person's feelings...then, why is it OK to do it the other way around?
A classmate once even told me: "You look like a skeleton".
Is that supposed to be a compliment?
When someone tells me I'm skinny, I don't take it as a compliment. How can I? It's OFFENSIVE. That's the same thing as calling someone fat. Why would anyone think they have the right to comment on other people's body size and walk away without being told off? You can't just ask people why their body is the way it is.
Besides, how the hell am I even supposed to respond to "why are you so skinny?" Erm, sorry, it's called METABOLISM, I cannot control it and you have no right to comment on it.
"Why is it okay for you to love your curves but it's not okay for the to love my bones?"
Moral of the story, if you mean to compliment someone and they're a bit under/overweight, just say something like "you look really nice today!" instead of going on and on about their body size.
lunes, 30 de junio de 2014
Best pictures I
Hey guys!
So as you may know, I'm a big fan of photography and I love taking pictures.
This started about three years ago, when I bought my first DECENT camera, and since then I've been carrying it with me wherever I go.
Since I've been able to take some good shots, I thought I would show you some of them. Here they go:
So as you may know, I'm a big fan of photography and I love taking pictures.
This started about three years ago, when I bought my first DECENT camera, and since then I've been carrying it with me wherever I go.
Since I've been able to take some good shots, I thought I would show you some of them. Here they go:
Marne, Germany.
Marne, Germany.
Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain
The Pyrenees, Spain
The Pyrenees, Spain
Granada, Spain.
Granada, Spain
Oporto, Portugal
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Kyoto, Japan
Madrid, Spain
The Pyrenees, Spain
Well, that is all for todays post, I hope you liked the pictures! More will be coming up very soon :) If you have any questions on where the pictures where taken, what camera I used, etc, don't hesitate in asking!
Don't forget to join this site and share and leave me a comment down below telling me what you think, I promise to replay!
viernes, 27 de junio de 2014
Busy week & Rolling Stones Concert
Hey guys!
So it has been a pretty busy week...it took off at Tuesday when we got our National Exams results at seven a.m. Yup. I sleept 5 hours and was tired as hell, but still, I'm pretty happy with what I got (8/10 not too bad).
It's been two extremely stressful years (and still the best ones I've had so far) but it has finally paid off :)
So after we got our university results we had to do some paperwork (and also decide what degree and university we wanted to apply for) and I've been caught up in that these las few days.
On Wednesday we had a "small" treat here in Madrid... the ROLLING STONES concert! Yay!
The Real Madrid stadium was packed with people from all over the world (I even met a British girl who thought I was from England when I told her the time *proud face*)
The concert was incredible and we had a great time. I wasn't expecting so much dancing and swirling around from Mick Jagger but...god, the man just can't keep still! They interacted with the public and played some of their greatest hits like "Jumpin' Jack Flash", "Honky Tonk Women", "Gimme Shelter", "Brown Sugar", "Angie"...and lots more!
Near the end they disappeared and waited for us to shout a bit for them to come back (rock stars are silly) and they came back with "You can't always get what you want" (and we DID get what we wanted...which was more from them!)
It was amazing and I took lots of pictures and filmed a lot so I never forget. Here are some of them:
So it has been a pretty busy week...it took off at Tuesday when we got our National Exams results at seven a.m. Yup. I sleept 5 hours and was tired as hell, but still, I'm pretty happy with what I got (8/10 not too bad).
It's been two extremely stressful years (and still the best ones I've had so far) but it has finally paid off :)
So after we got our university results we had to do some paperwork (and also decide what degree and university we wanted to apply for) and I've been caught up in that these las few days.
On Wednesday we had a "small" treat here in Madrid... the ROLLING STONES concert! Yay!
The Real Madrid stadium was packed with people from all over the world (I even met a British girl who thought I was from England when I told her the time *proud face*)
The concert was incredible and we had a great time. I wasn't expecting so much dancing and swirling around from Mick Jagger but...god, the man just can't keep still! They interacted with the public and played some of their greatest hits like "Jumpin' Jack Flash", "Honky Tonk Women", "Gimme Shelter", "Brown Sugar", "Angie"...and lots more!
Near the end they disappeared and waited for us to shout a bit for them to come back (rock stars are silly) and they came back with "You can't always get what you want" (and we DID get what we wanted...which was more from them!)
It was amazing and I took lots of pictures and filmed a lot so I never forget. Here are some of them:
viernes, 20 de junio de 2014
Staying positive
"Be happy!" "Smile!" "Don't be so negative!" "Stay positive!"
It is very easy to say this things, but to actually accomplish them? Oh my. That's where the real trouble begins. I know some people tell you to just find the root of the problem and try to avoid it or say "just try and have nice, positive thoughts".
Great. Thanks a lot.
As if I hadn't tried that myself.
The real question is... are there really actual tips on how to stay positive? Can we strengthen those positive thoughts?
YES. And there are some of them:
1. Sleep (now I don't mean hide under the covers and never come out again, that'll only make it worse. But staying up all night won't help either. Eight hours of sleep will do just fine)
2. Exercise (come on you lazy cow. Get up from the couch)
3. Hobbies. Don't have any? Find one and pour your heart and soul into it. It helps taking your mind off any problems you may have.
4. Talk. Oh, the benefits of a good conversation...have a problem? Talk to your fiend, boyfrind, mom, aunt, whoever! Just talk about it. Don't have anyone to talk to? Talk to me! (I'm serious about this. I'm not a psychologist but at least I'll listen. You can contact me at karibukiara@gmail.com :) I'll certainly reply.
5. STOP for a minute and make a list of at least 3 good things that are going on in your life at the moment. I'm sure you can find some!
6. Smile. It's proven that even a forced smile can lift your mood.
7. Lear to MEDITATE. Trust me, it's worth it. It helps you foccus on your breathing when you're feeling anxious.
8. Sing. But not sad songs. Put on Pharrell's "Happy" if you have to.
9. Help someone. it helps turning the negative attention you hace towards yourself into caring attention towards someone who might need your help.
10. Live in the MOMENT. Live and concetrate on what you're currently doing. Don't let your imagination run free everytime it gets a chance. It is proven that foccusing on our activities makes us more aware of what we're doing and therefore, more happy! If you're cleaning the dishes, clean the dishes. Don't imagine yourself lying on the beach in The Bahamas because that's just not happening.
11. One last thing. Say YES! Say yes to whatever oportunity you have even if you think you're going to be out of your comfort zone. In fact, precisely because you're going to be out of your comfort zone, SAY YES.
Paula Ducay.
It is very easy to say this things, but to actually accomplish them? Oh my. That's where the real trouble begins. I know some people tell you to just find the root of the problem and try to avoid it or say "just try and have nice, positive thoughts".
Great. Thanks a lot.
As if I hadn't tried that myself.
The real question is... are there really actual tips on how to stay positive? Can we strengthen those positive thoughts?
YES. And there are some of them:
1. Sleep (now I don't mean hide under the covers and never come out again, that'll only make it worse. But staying up all night won't help either. Eight hours of sleep will do just fine)
2. Exercise (come on you lazy cow. Get up from the couch)
3. Hobbies. Don't have any? Find one and pour your heart and soul into it. It helps taking your mind off any problems you may have.
4. Talk. Oh, the benefits of a good conversation...have a problem? Talk to your fiend, boyfrind, mom, aunt, whoever! Just talk about it. Don't have anyone to talk to? Talk to me! (I'm serious about this. I'm not a psychologist but at least I'll listen. You can contact me at karibukiara@gmail.com :) I'll certainly reply.
5. STOP for a minute and make a list of at least 3 good things that are going on in your life at the moment. I'm sure you can find some!
6. Smile. It's proven that even a forced smile can lift your mood.
7. Lear to MEDITATE. Trust me, it's worth it. It helps you foccus on your breathing when you're feeling anxious.
8. Sing. But not sad songs. Put on Pharrell's "Happy" if you have to.
9. Help someone. it helps turning the negative attention you hace towards yourself into caring attention towards someone who might need your help.
10. Live in the MOMENT. Live and concetrate on what you're currently doing. Don't let your imagination run free everytime it gets a chance. It is proven that foccusing on our activities makes us more aware of what we're doing and therefore, more happy! If you're cleaning the dishes, clean the dishes. Don't imagine yourself lying on the beach in The Bahamas because that's just not happening.
11. One last thing. Say YES! Say yes to whatever oportunity you have even if you think you're going to be out of your comfort zone. In fact, precisely because you're going to be out of your comfort zone, SAY YES.
Paula Ducay.
viernes, 13 de junio de 2014
The end is the beginning
I wake up in the morning all nervous, fidgeting and feeling uneasy. After all, this is my last day of exams and I better do well. I take Economics, Art History and Maths and they all seem to go better than expected (we'll see about the results in a few days)
After that, my world is partying. There's people all over the university campus jumping up and down, turning the music on, hugging and kissing each other...just letting go of all the stress that has haunted us this last weeks, while we did nothing but studying.
I just feel free. Free and ready to embrace the summer. Me and my friends grab a few drinks and head down the campus to find the others. Familiar faces surround us, people we haven't seen in decades...well, not decades since we're only 18... But a lot of years have passed since we were in primary school and everything seemed so light and jolly. We hug and congratulate everyone. In a few days it'll be time to choose a degree at university, but the hard part is done.
Again, I just feel free.
I lie down in the grass, facing the bright blue sky.
Summer's here.
I wake up in the morning all nervous, fidgeting and feeling uneasy. After all, this is my last day of exams and I better do well. I take Economics, Art History and Maths and they all seem to go better than expected (we'll see about the results in a few days)
After that, my world is partying. There's people all over the university campus jumping up and down, turning the music on, hugging and kissing each other...just letting go of all the stress that has haunted us this last weeks, while we did nothing but studying.
I just feel free. Free and ready to embrace the summer. Me and my friends grab a few drinks and head down the campus to find the others. Familiar faces surround us, people we haven't seen in decades...well, not decades since we're only 18... But a lot of years have passed since we were in primary school and everything seemed so light and jolly. We hug and congratulate everyone. In a few days it'll be time to choose a degree at university, but the hard part is done.
Again, I just feel free.
I lie down in the grass, facing the bright blue sky.
Summer's here.
miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014
A small introduction.
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12509649/?claim=qh3382rkn73">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
It is on rare and special occasions that I come to my parents bedroom. This is one of them. Tomorrow I will take the National Exams in order to access university next year. Big deal. After wandering around the house (which is quiet and at peace...mom's taking a nap) for twenty minutes bending over my stomach like the Hunchback of Notre Dame (my period just came. Great timing) I settled in the light oasis that is my parents room with no more than a book (always a great friend) a small notebook and my mobile phone to stay in touch with my friend Edurne, who's been having panic attacks the whole day. And while sitting there I though, "why not write the first blog post?"
So here I am, when I ought to be studying, thinking about how I should introduce myself to the wide world of internet.
Well, here it goes:
My name is Paula and if you haven't guessed it by now, english is not my native language (although I like to think that I'm not bad at it). I live in Madrid, Spain, where I was born 18 years ago. I love writting and family and friends keep telling my that if I work hard I could become a writter. A real writter. But, of course, that may only work in Spanish, so I don't know if it'll do the trick in English.
Nevertheless, I'm going to try.
This has been a pretty stressful year, full of exams, homework, proyects... I still don't know how I got trough it, but it is finally done.
Actually, no.
I still have to take nationals.
Anyway, this (new) blog is here to make my creativity explode. And...to make most of the summer by putting all my adventures into words.
It is on rare and special occasions that I come to my parents bedroom. This is one of them. Tomorrow I will take the National Exams in order to access university next year. Big deal. After wandering around the house (which is quiet and at peace...mom's taking a nap) for twenty minutes bending over my stomach like the Hunchback of Notre Dame (my period just came. Great timing) I settled in the light oasis that is my parents room with no more than a book (always a great friend) a small notebook and my mobile phone to stay in touch with my friend Edurne, who's been having panic attacks the whole day. And while sitting there I though, "why not write the first blog post?"
So here I am, when I ought to be studying, thinking about how I should introduce myself to the wide world of internet.
Well, here it goes:
My name is Paula and if you haven't guessed it by now, english is not my native language (although I like to think that I'm not bad at it). I live in Madrid, Spain, where I was born 18 years ago. I love writting and family and friends keep telling my that if I work hard I could become a writter. A real writter. But, of course, that may only work in Spanish, so I don't know if it'll do the trick in English.
Nevertheless, I'm going to try.
This has been a pretty stressful year, full of exams, homework, proyects... I still don't know how I got trough it, but it is finally done.
Actually, no.
I still have to take nationals.
Anyway, this (new) blog is here to make my creativity explode. And...to make most of the summer by putting all my adventures into words.
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