Hey guys!
As you know one of my favourite things to do in the whole wide world is reading. Books have been my best friends ever since I learned how to read. As I've read so many books and so different, I thought I would make a post about some of the books that I've really enjoyed.
I have decided to write about books that are really different so there's a bigger chance that you find one you like!
1. Mad about the boy, Helen Fielding.
This book is the last one of the Bridget Jones series and, personally, the best one. You discover what happens to Bridget once she's a grown woman and the changes that have happened in her life in the past few years. I both cried and laugh with this book as it is a comedy but also has a little pinch of drama.
“You see, things being good has nothing to do with how you feel outside, it is all to do with how you are inside.”
2. The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair, Joël Dicker
I loved this. I'm not black novel's number 1 fan... but this is a masterpiece that I really enjoyed. AND the main character is a writer, which just makes everything even better. I really recommend it, it was one of the most acclaimed books by the critic last year and it has you holding your breath at every page.
3. The Perks of being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
Yes, yes, I know. You all seen the movie. Well, the book is even better. You get to really know Charlie's world and the story and the way of telling the story is just wonderful. Please, do check it out because it's worth a read. I leave you with the most beautiful quote: "We accept the love we think we deserve."
4. The Thirteenth Tale, Diane Setterfield
This is a gothic suspense novel very well written and a bit dark and morbid but still, really good. You can never guess the final mystery. The chapters switch from the present to the past, mixing two stories and both main character's ins and outs. I don't recommend reading it before going to bed, though ;) The storyline also talks and praises books, which is something I love. I leave you here a bit of the plot: "Vida Winter, a famous novelist in England, has evaded journalists' questions about her past, from simply refusing to answer their inquiries to spinning elaborate tales that they later discover to be false. Her entire life is a secret, and for over fifty years reporters and biographers have tried innumerable methods in an attempt to extract the truth from Winter. With her health quickly fading, Winter enlists Margaret Lea, a bookish amateur biographer, to hear her story and write her biography. With her own family secrets, Lea finds the process of unraveling the past for Winter bringing her to confront her own ghosts."
5. Boys, Girls and Other Hazardous Materials, Rosalind Wiseman
Hello! Any teenage girls out there? This is for you ;) If you're not familiar with Rosalind Wiseman's work...where have you been? Start googling her, because she can be a great help if you're struggling with "teenage issues" (boys, body changes, bullies, queen bees, etc) This is her first fiction book and I fairly enjoyed reading it. The story is fresh and Wiseman introduces us to the girl world and talks (through the characters) about the challenges that teenage girls and boys face in high school.
(I had this book shipped to me from England, so it had to be good)
And last but not least...
6. The solitude of Prime Numbers, Paolo Giordano
I love love love love this book. It's all about its characters and their lifes and thoughts and I just fell in love with it.
"The novel narrates the childhood and young adult life of a boy, Mattia, and a girl, Alice, both of whom had exposure to traumatic situations when they were both 8 years old.(...)Both lonely, they befriend each other, forming a special relationship — very close but never romantic. The relationship is compared to Prime Pairs: always together, but never touching."
It's just beautiful.
And that is it for today's post! I'll definitely be coming back with more books that you guys can enjoy! Now that summer has arrived (at least in my side of the planet) it's much easier to find time to enjoy some quality time with books :)
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