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lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

Best pictures I

Hey guys!
So as you may know, I'm a big fan of photography and I love taking pictures. 

This started about three years ago, when I bought my first DECENT camera, and since then I've been carrying it with me wherever I go.

Since I've been able to take some good shots, I thought I would show you some of them. Here they go:


 Marne, Germany.

 Marne, Germany. 

 Madrid, Spain

Madrid, Spain

The Pyrenees, Spain

The Pyrenees, Spain

Granada, Spain.

Granada, Spain

Oporto, Portugal

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Spain

Kyoto, Japan

Madrid, Spain

The Pyrenees, Spain

Well, that is all for todays post, I hope you liked the pictures! More will be coming up very soon :) If you have any questions on where the pictures where taken, what camera I used, etc, don't hesitate in asking!

Don't forget to join this site and share and leave me a comment down below telling me what you think, I promise to replay!



2 comentarios:

  1. stunning pictures. absolutely beautiful xx

  2. Thanks dear! I'm glad you liked them! I'll be posting another one soon xx
